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The Importance of 'The Self'

Do you ever find yourself wondering why things are the way they are? Do you ever consider why you react to things in a certain way, or why someone else may have a different reaction to you? Do you ever find yourself relating to the image seen above?

With a background in Political Science and Philosophy, I find myself asking numerous questions everyday. Sometimes, I ask myself questions about the world around me. I find it fascinating that other people exist in the same world as me, yet operate and think very differently. While there is a shared human experience, individual psyches are developed differently based on their perspectives and experiences.

Understanding this allows for one to be more empathetic in the way they view others.

However, I wasn't satisfied.

So what? Does it really matter how other people operate in this world that I call home? Well, yes it does — but only to an extent.

It goes without saying that other people necessarily impact your life. In order to live functionally in this world, you must communicate and coexist cooperatively. There is simply no way around it.

This is why I suggested that the way other people perceive the world only matters to a certain extent. Most of the time, you have zero control of how others behave — yet you have to live with it.

You only have control over yourself.

While it is beneficial and necessary for understanding the world around you, asking questions about the world can only take you so far. You could spend hours analyzing and pondering about events around the world and throughout history. I'll be the first to admit that I genuinely enjoy doing this mental exercise. However, you must ask yourself what it does for you.

You must ask yourself what it does for you.

I emphasize this point because it is the most important aspect of any inquiry. How does x affect you, and what can you learn from it? If you find yourself not being able to answer this question, I kindly suggest that whatever you are thinking about is not beneficial for yourself.

Which is OK.

It is fun to think about various things. Perhaps even having discussions and arguments about random things is enjoyable for you. However, it is important to think about things that you will benefit from.

"The meaning of life is to give life meaning." — Viktor E. Frankl

It is crucial for you to consider the different aspects of your life. From your relationships, to fulfillment, to happiness, even your place in this world, thinking about these things will only enhance your life.

In order to become the best version of yourself, you must ask the necessary, and often times difficult questions. You might be surprised as to what you find out about yourself.

Again, while there are benefits from inquiring about the world and other people, this will not always provide you with the insight you are looking for. Unless it will provide you with information that can help you understand yourself, you might be better off simply inquiring about yourself.

I have been asking questions about myself for the past two-and-a-half years and can confidently say that it has only benefitted me. While I may have found answers I didn't like, it was the first step towards making positive changes in my life.

I share this image again to have you consider if you have ever felt this way before. Maybe you are feeling this way right now. Maybe you haven't realized that you might feel this way. Maybe you don't feel this way at all because you are at peace with your life. All of these reactions are correct.

If you do not feel this way, I must admit I am envious of you. While I am being facetious, I sincerely congratulate you.

If you feel like myself, you might feel lost sometimes and not understand yourself. Again, this feeling is OK. Just remember to spend the time to take care of, and understand the only thing you have control over.

While you may sometimes feel insignificant or irrelevant, you can only live in this world through your own experience. No matter how you may feel, you are the most important entity in the world. Since you only experience life through your lens, you must ensure you understand why and how you operate in this world.

Ask yourself the important and tough questions. Test your understanding of yourself. Above all else, understand and ensure your happiness.

— Rob

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